Sunday, August 25, 2019

Working hours: Learn how to dedicate quality time to life

Life cannot be divided into different pieces. We should work for hours, rest for a long time, kill our hours or live for just such moments. Sometimes it can not even be decided whether we are drawing life or life leads us? Something is supposed to happen and it becomes very different. Planning beds go again. Respectful work remains incomplete. In all these situations, man must work. In people's mouths, it is possible to eat two times a day and so much hassle. Most people today are working hard to survive. When it comes to some surveys or studies, how good it would have been if it had been!

How many hours a week should a man work? There was a study by the Australian National University about this. In that study it was revealed that a week should not work more than 39 hours. Working longer than that increases the likelihood of endangering physical and mental health. If we count the remaining six days to 39 hours, except Sunday, it would be six and a half hours each day. Five days per week is 7.8 hours. Some companies abroad have a five-day work system. Get two days leave. Even in our country some companies have a five day job. The people who work in a company are fortunate. 
There are some companies that call for jobs on Sundays. People who are killed are going to work for free. Eventually they have to run a home. Most people have to work six days a week. Now the job is not eight but nine hours. An hourly lunch break is considered. While on the job, there are also some bobs going on while on the go. If the office is away from home, then it has to be counted. My total time is ten to twelve hours after work. When does man rest in this? Now job related mail is coming due to smart phones. Some mail replies have to be answered immediately. Boss notifications keep coming up on WhatsApp too. Now the situation is such that even if you have taken leave, it does not look like holiday. The job is on the phone.

Tell us where we are working, we will work for hours, then at the next moment it will tell us to come. In some companies, there is no time for you to go. Just go home when the work is done. When people ask today, it is heard that there is no time to die. Even if you do not have the time to die, you should take the time to live. Ultimately life is ours. If you can love work, that's a good thing. Don't get bored with work. Those who have the strength to work should once meet people who have no work. The NSSO, a National Sample Survey Office report, says that for the first time in the country's history, fifty percent of the people have no work. It is difficult to imagine the mood of those who do not have work. Well educated people put their degree aside and get ready to do the work they do. So don't complain about working hours. Even if you complain, you have nothing to do.

The pressure of work must remain. One thing to understand with this is that life also has to be fulfilled. Learning life management has become a must for everyone now to make a living. You give yourself and your people quality time. Enjoy the Hendred Pursuit as long as you can. Life is sweetened by small pleasures. Stay away from mobile when you're with your people, stay in touch with mobile when you're not with your people. Mobile has all the makings, but it has its advantages. Mobile is a blessing for being in a long distance relationship. One of the reasons why relationships are at stake today is the lack of time. 
You do not give me time or do not give me the problem. One who has a good life, takes time out of his life. What are your working hours? Whatever the case, you cannot escape it. Do planning so that time is available for those who want to make time. One thing to remember is that if there are donations we can manage the time for our people. Don't give up work excuses, our people need our time, not reasons.
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