Tuesday, November 26, 2019

NISHTHA Module Download for Primary School Teacher Training 2019

The award is given by the State Government to the best performing teachers in the field of education. A list of 3 teachers of the state has been announced for the year-1. 1 teacher from primary department, 1 teacher from secondary section, 5 teachers from higher secondary section, 4 teachers from secondary / higher secondary principal category, one education supervisor and H Tat, CRC, BRC, assistant teacher inspector category. Find the list of 3 teachers for the best teacher award-1 from different categories together with 3 teachers and 4 teachers from the special teacher category. Have been. It is lunchtime at the Government Government Primary School in the village. It was summer time, so the teacher would teach the student to sit under the neem tree at noon. According to the government circular, no child is allowed to fail the exam till eighth grade! Even if the boys write a story of Baahubali or the Avengers in a science paper or put the entire mathematics paper under a cleanliness campaign, the teacher must pass.
The ability to write with both hands after Mark Karaju Gandhi has increased in elementary school teachers. It is his hidden talent that the teachers find useful in writing the left-hand paper to the left-hander, Patrice Mark. The old saying of teachers is that 'Mateo Mare' is not and should not be taught. Now, there is a slight improvement in the saying that 'Mateo (teacher) cannot fail and cannot teach from extras other than teacher.'

Under the neem tree, a gust of cold air glows all night in the mammaldat office, and the eyes of the teacher who pays the onduty has been darkened. By allowing the seventh-grade boy to write eight single (?) Moments ten times, Teacher Mahode has extended his present seat in front of the Indian fate by placing the stone plate in the middle of the afternoon.

Village teachers who know the true state or demeanor of their guru, surrounded by many non-academic activities, have spoken out that sir's sleep does not deteriorate.
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