In our country, there are almost no comparisons between a man and a woman, and there is no less comparison between a housewife and a working woman! What is the value of the work of a woman who does not work and stays at home all day? If a housewife comes to work at home and gives her the same amount of money to clean the garbage and utensils, if
the housewife does the same amount of work, is it worth the same? Having a cook at home and paying her the same amount of money if the housewife makes meals? Not at all! The housewife is the housewife and the housewife is the housewife. A working woman is also respectable, she works hard but it is unreasonable to compare her with a housewife and value her work equally.Kamal Haasan, a film star turned politician, is currently preparing for the upcoming Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu. Kamal Haasan said that if his government comes, he will give salary to the housewife. This has created controversy. Congress leader Shashi Tharoor further supported what Haasan said. Shashi Tharoor said that the state government gives monthly allowance to housewives. It will give recognition to the service of housewives, give them economic benefits and make them strong and autonomous. "We should not value what we do for our relatives," said Kangana Ranaut. "The woman is the queen of her house," Kangana said. Stop looking at everything from a business perspective. Women want love, respect and their own person, not wages. After Kangana's talk, Shashi Tharoor took the uterus. "I agree with Kangana," he said. There are many events in a housewife's life that have no value. What I said was respect for housewives. I want to see every Indian woman as powerful as you.
A recent report released by the government states that housewives work an average of 299 minutes a day. The housewife makes meals, buys grains, vegetables and other items for the house. Cleans everything, keeps the house tidy. Takes care of children and household elders. Keeps in touch with family. Preserves the dignity of the home and most importantly, keeps the home alive. The woman of the house is connected with the house not only through labor, but also through mind and heart. It has no value! Not all such calculations should be done. If this continues, someone will wake up tomorrow and talk about the value of sex! The woman is attached to the house by life, her soul resides in the grain of the house. The relationship between mother and child or husband and wife is supernatural. The boy wakes up tomorrow and says, "How much money can I give you for giving birth to me and raising me?" Many nannies take care of the boy. What if the value of grooming is considered equal to that of a nanny? When we do all these things and make comparisons, our nerves start to get tense. It makes sense to say, please stop making such comparisons!
There is another thing to understand. Even women who are working women do not come home and sit idly by. He also does all the housework before going to work and comes home and goes back to work. After women start working, they have been given double responsibilities. The work of men has been largely the same since ancient times. What is needed for a housewife is not to pay her work but to maintain her image. The housewife is told, you do nothing? That's what it takes. If we want to improve the society, we need to get rid of the mentality that a woman who does not earn is less skilled or inferior. The housewife is a home maker. It is the housewife who makes the house her home. Women are so engrossed with the house that the house seems to be throbbing.