Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Police | PSI Bharti New Syllabus 2024

 A Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) is the lowest-ranking officer who can file a chargesheet in court and is usually the initial investigation officer under Indian Police laws and regulations. They are in charge of a small group of police officers. Subordinate officers cannot file a chargesheet on their behalf, but they can investigate cases. In most cases, Police Sub-Inspectors are posted in rural and small police stations (PSI). They are identified as SHO (Station House Officer) there. Officers from the Police Inspectorate administer medium and heavy police stations (PI). After promotion they are promoted to the rank of Assistant Police Inspector (API). As a Police Sub-Inspector you will have to perform the following duties: Register FIR (formal complaint) against a person. Investigate all cases related to the Indian Penal Code and any specific law passed by the Parliament or State laws. Use force to disperse unruly crowds, to restore law and order. Arrest without warrant/with warrant During investigation, you have the right to demand inspection of necessary documents, which you must comply with. Conclusion.

The full form of police is Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies. Whose job is to prevent extremist activities in the

country, control terrorist activities and laws have been made to maintain security and peace in the society.Lokrakshak and PSI issued in the current paper dated 13.03.2014. In the recruitment advertisement, there is a representation that some candidates have a misunderstanding about the two categories of Unreserved Class and Economically Weaker Class. Hence the following clarifications are issued for the information of the candidates. Where an unreserved class is mentioned in the advertisement, the unreserved class means those who are not included in Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Socially and Educationally Backward Class (SEBC) or Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and do not get the benefit of reservation. , such as Open Category or General Category or General Category. Economically Weaker Section i.e. EWS Category i.e. People from Unreserved Section who are eligible for EWS benefits due to being Economically Weaker Section. Unreserved class i.e. those who do not get the benefit of SC, ST, SEBC, but are included in the economically weaker section i.e. EWS as per the criteria fixed by the Govt.

There shall be one Police Force for the 1 [whole of the '[State of Gujarat]]: Provided that the members of the Police Forces constituted under any of the Acts mentioned in Schedule I, immediately before the coming into force of this Act '[in the relevant part of the State] shall be deemed to be the members of the said Police Force. 4. The superintendence of the Police Force tlu·oughout '[the State of Gujarat] vests in and is exercisable by the State Government and any control, direction or Supervision exercisable by any officer over any member of the Police Force shall be Exercisable subject to such superintendence. 5. Subject to the provisions of this Act- (a) the Police Force shall consist of such number in the several ranks and have such organization and such powers, functions and duties as the State Government may by general or special order determine; (b) the recruitment pay, allowances and all other conditions of service of the Police Force shall be such as may be determined by the State from time to time Government by general or special order: Provided that6[(i) the rules and orders governing the recruitment, pay allowances and other conditions of service of the members of the Police Force constituted under any of the Acts mentioned in Part I or II or Schedule I and deemed to be the members of the Police Force under section 3, shall continue in force until altered or cancelled under clause (b); but in the case of members of Police Force; constituted.

Provided further that any action taken under the rules or orders made under this sub-section or the grant of a license 1 [or certificate of registration] made under such rules or orders shall be subject to the control and supervision of the State Government. '[(IAA) A District Superintendent may, in areas under his charge or any part thereof, make, alter or rescind rules or orders not inconsistent with this Act, with respect to all or any of the matters specified in clauses (d), (db), (e) and (g) read with clause();) of sub-section (1) : Provided that he rules and orders made by a District Magistrate under subsection (1) for any of the matters specified in the said clauses and in force in any area immediately before the commencement of the Bombay Police (Gujarat Amendment) Act, 1977, shall continue in force therein as if made by the District Superintendent under this sub-section, until altered or repealed or amended by a competent authority.] 3 [(JA) The power to make rules or order under clauses. 

Update : 24-5-2024 

ભરતી પરીક્ષા સિલેબસ 2024 

પોલીસ ભરતી સિલેબસ PDF 

પી.એસ.આઇ. સિલેબસ PDF 

sub-section(!)] shall in the first instance have effect only in relation to the 5[State of Gujarat]; but the State Government may be notified in the Official Gazette. Provided that such power under any or all of those clauses, shall also have effect from such date as may be specified in the notification, in any other area of ​​the State.] (2) (i) The power of making, altering or rescinding rules under clauses '[(a), (aa), (b)] and (c) of sub-section (1) shall be subject to the control of the State Government, (ii) the power of making altering or rescinding rules the remaining clauses of sub-section (1) shall be subject to the previous sanction of that Government. (3) Every rule made under clause (i) of sub-section (I) with respect to the use of a place for the disposal of the dead shall be framed with due regard to ordinary and established usages and to the necessities of prompt disposal of the dead in individual cases. (4) Every rule promulgated under the authority of clause (1) of sub-section (1) shall, if made in relation to 7 [any area which is not under the charge of a commissioner] be forthwith 8 [reported to 9 [Such authority as the State Governmay appoint in this behalf! and the State Government] (5) If any rule or order made promulgated under this section relates to any matter with respect to which there is a provision in any law, rule or by law of any municipal or local authority in relation to the public health convenience or safety of the locality, such rule or order shall be subject to such law, rule or by law of the municipal or local authority, as the case may be.

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