Digital detox is the currency of America nowadays. We have a lot of people out there now experimenting with digital detoxification. We do detoxification to get rid of toxins in our body. The method of naturopathy we have there is detoxification. What about the digital toxin that removes toxins from the body but corrupts the mind and brain? Digits detox is for that. Well what to do in it? Very easy. To voluntarily decide for some time that I will not touch the mobile for such a long time. Turning on for an hour or two and then increasing the time. There are many people in America who keep their mobiles completely off on holidays. We keep the phone twisted all day on holidays.
શાળા પસંદગી ન કરેલ ઉમેદવારો
Man has started moving away from nature due to mobile. Naturally, we do not enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. That's right, people are suffering from various mental illnesses because of mobile phones. All people live in anxiety. Keep looking at the phone for a few minutes. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is look at my mobile. Do you turn off mobile data at night? Many people's data is running round the clock. When we wake up in the morning, there are many good morning messages on WhatsApp. It's like doing a job. Every morning after you check the message, think, what is the message in this that is really important to me? Most likely none!
Four things are important in a person's life. Family, Friends, Health and Work. In these four matters, mobile should not come anywhere. According to one expert, a person should be divided into three parts 24 hours a day. Eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work and eight hours of free. Free means doing what we love. Keep mobile, do socializing too, but also set a time. According to a study, the efficiency of people who use mobile constantly decreases. For those who do creative work, it is necessary to keep the brain a little more free. Man is so busy with mobile that he does not even have time to think in peace. Mobile keeps our brain occupied. Do people check every five to ten minutes for any message even while working?
We also talk like, what if there is an emergency? You know most emergencies are imaginary. What was the last news you received that you could put in the emergency category? And if there is an emergency, should the person message or call directly? Another thing is that whoever has your job has to find you. Diwali is coming. If you are thinking of taking a resolution in the new year, it is like doing a digital detox. There is nothing left in this, everything has to continue. Just to control the use of mobile a little. For themselves and for their own people.